Finding Raising a Bilingual Child original edition and eBook
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The Background on the Book
When the RandomHouse Living Language editor Zviezdana Verzich called me to ask if I wanted to write a “288-page book” for parents on raising bilingual children, my first reaction was, “Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?!” I had written a small newsletter and organized puppet shows and such for the families in our Miami research projects, and so I thought it would be easy.
I was fortunate that Zviezdana was the one to have thought of the book: She did the market research and pitched the idea to the editorial team she was part of, so she got that crucial step out of the way for me. She was a linguist, raising her own bilingual children in New York City, and finding it harder than she expected. (Her story is in Chapter 5 “How-to Testimonials.”) Despite a growing number of books for teaching bilinguals, the books for parents were older, several of them out of print. At that time, there were no “trade books” that were easier for the general public to find.
Finding the eBook
A note on Footnotes
A big difference between a trade book and an academic one is whether you can say “Research says…” and leave it at that, or whether the author is obliged to document all sources. The book has 12 pages organized by chapter of “For further reading” and “Major references.” The full forty pages of footnotes is available here.
These notes can also apply to the Abridged version of the book, based on the “script” for the Audiobook. (It is currently in the process of getting printed.)