I read the book aloud in the studios of Armadillo Audio Group in Pelham MA. Here is the sample passage:

It is available at many online shops for audiobooks AND from Libraries.

Look for it at Audible.com (Amazon.com) : https://tinyurl.com/RBCabr-audiobk

I hope you’ll look for it at libraries, too, for example through Overdrive https://www.overdrive.com/media/11367414/raising-a-bilingual-child

For my library, that means I can get it through the Libby app. You may have to request your library to link to it.

I shortened the book by about 50%, to make it easier for listening. Material that relied on descriptions of figures and charts, including the “research chapter 7,” was omitted, and the number of testimonials and examples was reduced. The reader is referred to the full-length book for those features and the accompanying notes. (Some of those materials are available for download from this website.)<link>