Where to find the book in Spanish – Consigue que tu Hijo sea Bilingüe
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Search engines have many (and changing) links for finding the book (Translate)?
Here are several that we have tried out for ourselves.
- https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Barbara-Zurer-Pearson/dp/1518748481
- https://bookshop.org/p/books/consigue-que-tu-hijo-sea-bilingue-barbara-zurer-pearson/10023845?affiliate=93875&ean=9781518748486
- https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-consigue-que-tu-hijo-sea-bilingue/9788492968053/1776102
Also available at libraries around the world
If your library doesn’t have it, ask your librarian to get it!